i had a great experience the first time so when it came to buying daryl and the angster dinner, i chose this place. i had to buy them because they helped me majorly in my redesigning my room. it was such a fat day for myself. i wanted to rewardd myself fro my 15km run, but i think i overly rewarded myself.
this time around, there was more staff and more customers. the guy taking our order was downright rude. daryl ordered the wimpy and he went like 'the wimpy what. what.' when i stared at him all confused he went 'pork? beef? what? what?'. i think they need to have more decent service. this was real bad. i hate to focus on service, because a foodie focuses on food, but there were just too many rude incidents that ruined my dining experience.
the angster ordered the royale burger which was a beef patty, with onion marmalade, topped with cheddar and beef bacon. he said what the burger lacked in crisp of the outer layer of patty, the made up with the crisp of the bacon. so it was good. i ordered the portobello burger this time because they ran out of salmon patty. i thought the portobello was so-so only. i preferred kgb's portobello now i think about it. but the onion marmalade is top quality. i recommend adding that to your burger.
this time round, tried the thick chocolate shake, with peanut butter. gosh trust me, one sip and u feel like this is so sinful.
to check out my previous dining experience click here.
fat boys burger bar / link
one city mall
usj 25/1
subang jaya